Romania has such a rich & colorful culture, with many notable poets, literary, & philosophers. One of Romania’s most famous poets was Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889) and he is the national poet of Romania. His famous poem "Luceafarul" remains one of the most favorite. Below are his poem and the English translation to it.
It begins:
Mihai Eminescu
A fost odatã ca-n povesti,
A fost ca niciodatã,
Din rude mãri împãrãtesti,
O prea frumoasã fatã.
A fost ca niciodatã,
Din rude mãri împãrãtesti,
O prea frumoasã fatã.
Si era una la pãrinti
Si mîndrã-n toate cele,
Cum e Fecioara între sfinti
Si luna între stele.
Si mîndrã-n toate cele,
Cum e Fecioara între sfinti
Si luna între stele.
Din umbra falnicelor bolti
Ea pasul si-l îndreaptã
Lîngã fereastrã, unde-n colt
Luceafãrul asteaptã.
Ea pasul si-l îndreaptã
Lîngã fereastrã, unde-n colt
Luceafãrul asteaptã.
Privea în zare cum pe mãri
Rãsare si strãluce,
Pe miscãtoarele cãrãri
Corãbii negre duce.
Rãsare si strãluce,
Pe miscãtoarele cãrãri
Corãbii negre duce.
îl vede azi, îl vede mîni,
Astfel dorinta-i gata;
El iar, privind de sãptãmîni,
îi cade dragã fatã.
Astfel dorinta-i gata;
El iar, privind de sãptãmîni,
îi cade dragã fatã.
Cum ea pe coate-si rãzima
Visînd ale ei tîmple
De dorul lui si inima
Si sufletu-i se împle.
Visînd ale ei tîmple
De dorul lui si inima
Si sufletu-i se împle.
Si cît de viu s-aprinde el
în orisicare sarã,
Spre umbra negrului castel
Cînd ea o sã-i aparã.
în orisicare sarã,
Spre umbra negrului castel
Cînd ea o sã-i aparã.
which translates in English to
There was, as in the fairy tales,
As ne'er in the time's raid,
There was, of famous royal blood
A most beautiful maid.
As ne'er in the time's raid,
There was, of famous royal blood
A most beautiful maid.
She was her parents' only child,
Bright like the sun at noon,
Like the Virgin midst the saints
And among stars the moon.
Bright like the sun at noon,
Like the Virgin midst the saints
And among stars the moon.
From the deep shadow of the vaults
Her step now she directs
Toward a window; at its nook
Bright Evening-star expects.
Her step now she directs
Toward a window; at its nook
Bright Evening-star expects.
She looks as in the distant seas
He rises, darts his rays
And leads the blackish, loaded ships
On the wet, moving, ways.
He rises, darts his rays
And leads the blackish, loaded ships
On the wet, moving, ways.
To look at him every night
Her soul her instincts spur;
And as he looks at her for weeks
He falls in love with her.
Her soul her instincts spur;
And as he looks at her for weeks
He falls in love with her.
And as on her elbows she leans
Her temple and her whim
She feels in her heart and soul that
She falls in love with him.
Her temple and her whim
She feels in her heart and soul that
She falls in love with him.
And ev'ry night his stormy flames
More stormily renew
When in the shadow of the castle
She shows to his bright view.
As you can see, no wonder this poem is so loved.
The Golden Age of Romania was during the first half of the 20th century, with the most prominent artist, a sculptor, Constantin Brancusi. He was the master of abstraction and his work harmonized sophistication and simplicity, thus paving the way for modern day sculptors.
Constantin Brancusi
“What is that impulse, that irresistible force which will not let the peasant rest content with the merely useful, but drives him to seek the best proportioned and most harmonious forms that appeal to the eye by color and line, are pleasant to the touch and produce that rare sense of contentment, poise of mind and joy which characterize aesthetic enjoyment? (Peasant Art in Romania, by George Oprescu, 1929)
Romanians have a certain zest for life and naive optimism which leads them to believe that the world is a really beautiful place that is heartily expressed in their arts and crafts, as seen in the grave markers in the Merry Cemetery in Sapanta. these markers are carves wooden crosses painted in the traditional Voronet blue and embellished with whimsical borders. on these crosses you can find artist renderings of the dearly departed and the anecdotes for living their life.
Gravemarker in Merry Cemetery
Gorgeous Markers
In Romania, artists and artisans gather to showcase their work. Only Bucharest and a few of the larger towns can boast just a smattering of galleries. More often though you can find the locals arts and crafts among the vendors on the local street markets. there you can find a vast array of traditional arts and crafts.
Painted Eggs~
These are the most famous and treasured form of the local art. These famous beauties are hand crafted every year in the months leading up to Easter. Women and children usually spend days at a time at a family or friends house painting them and having a good time. The eggs are most likely painted with such intricate and elaborate patterns that are actually a secret language known only to those from that particular region. The eggs can be found everywhere in the local street fairs and markets.
Exquisite painted eggs
Egg Artisan
Maramures is the palce to go if you want to see all the elborate and exquisite woodworking. Homes there are highly decorated with hand carved wooden gates, doors, and fencing. According to history, in this area a families status was shown by how ornately carved thier gate was. The more of an intricate pattern the higher the social status. Many of the complex patterns hold a deeply more significant value from what you can readily see with the naked eye. Moons, stars, the twisted rope, tree of life and wolves teeth are reminsent myths and superstitions. This artwork can be found in everything from dinner chairs to the wooden ladel found in the kitchen. Carved wooden multi-piped pan flutes remain a favorite, but they are extremely hard to make and only very few people know how to play them.
Multi-piped pan flute
Ornate gate
Carved wood gate
Traditonal foods in Romania are Borsch (cabbage soup), Mititei (grilled sausage seasoned with garlic). Romanians tend to have flair which is found in everything from their art to their food. Popular dishes include Sarmale, which is cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and meat; Mamaglia which is a cornmeal dish served with poached eggs. The decadent desserts include placinta, a pie, & Baklava, which is a pastry filled with honey and nuts. Local wines inlcude Tuica, a strong plum brandy that is produced along the Black coast in Moldavia.
Borscht soup
Placinta Pie
More stormily renew
When in the shadow of the castle
She shows to his bright view.
As you can see, no wonder this poem is so loved.
The Golden Age of Romania was during the first half of the 20th century, with the most prominent artist, a sculptor, Constantin Brancusi. He was the master of abstraction and his work harmonized sophistication and simplicity, thus paving the way for modern day sculptors.
Constantin Brancusi
“What is that impulse, that irresistible force which will not let the peasant rest content with the merely useful, but drives him to seek the best proportioned and most harmonious forms that appeal to the eye by color and line, are pleasant to the touch and produce that rare sense of contentment, poise of mind and joy which characterize aesthetic enjoyment? (Peasant Art in Romania, by George Oprescu, 1929)
Romanians have a certain zest for life and naive optimism which leads them to believe that the world is a really beautiful place that is heartily expressed in their arts and crafts, as seen in the grave markers in the Merry Cemetery in Sapanta. these markers are carves wooden crosses painted in the traditional Voronet blue and embellished with whimsical borders. on these crosses you can find artist renderings of the dearly departed and the anecdotes for living their life.
Gravemarker in Merry Cemetery
Gorgeous Markers
In Romania, artists and artisans gather to showcase their work. Only Bucharest and a few of the larger towns can boast just a smattering of galleries. More often though you can find the locals arts and crafts among the vendors on the local street markets. there you can find a vast array of traditional arts and crafts.
Painted Eggs~
These are the most famous and treasured form of the local art. These famous beauties are hand crafted every year in the months leading up to Easter. Women and children usually spend days at a time at a family or friends house painting them and having a good time. The eggs are most likely painted with such intricate and elaborate patterns that are actually a secret language known only to those from that particular region. The eggs can be found everywhere in the local street fairs and markets.
Exquisite painted eggs
Egg Artisan
Maramures is the palce to go if you want to see all the elborate and exquisite woodworking. Homes there are highly decorated with hand carved wooden gates, doors, and fencing. According to history, in this area a families status was shown by how ornately carved thier gate was. The more of an intricate pattern the higher the social status. Many of the complex patterns hold a deeply more significant value from what you can readily see with the naked eye. Moons, stars, the twisted rope, tree of life and wolves teeth are reminsent myths and superstitions. This artwork can be found in everything from dinner chairs to the wooden ladel found in the kitchen. Carved wooden multi-piped pan flutes remain a favorite, but they are extremely hard to make and only very few people know how to play them.
Multi-piped pan flute
Ornate gate
Carved wood gate
"At the edge of the street market adjacent to Bran Castle is a peasant cottage with a window behind which an old woman sits at her loom weaving and watching the passing scene. She’ll invite interested visitors into her home, where her English-speaking daughter will explain that she’s 74 years old and has been weaving since she was seven. She still weaves with thread she spins herself from sheep her family keeps in their tiny enclosed courtyard. On view in her tiny weaving room, which is also her bedroom, is a selection of magnificent throws and spreads that she has woven. Not for sale, they’re priceless examples of this enduring way of life."Romanian Wedding dress
Weaving textiles is the most common form of art found in Romania. It is a custom handed down from one generation to the next, often reflecting unique family patterns specific the different areas of the country. Looms can still be found in almost every home and women were taught from a young age how to master this art. Women make everything from tablecloths, to blankets, to rugs. They often hand emoidrey the peice they are working on into an amazing peice of art.The emboidery found on folk costumes, which are worn for many festivals and celebrations, are to adhere to strict guidelines for regional patterns. Like the painted eggs, the emboidery shows a secret language only know to a select few. Wedding gowns for the Romanian brides are so exqusite and unique that they truly can not be replicated.
hand stitched costume
Folklore attire
Traditonal foods in Romania are Borsch (cabbage soup), Mititei (grilled sausage seasoned with garlic). Romanians tend to have flair which is found in everything from their art to their food. Popular dishes include Sarmale, which is cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and meat; Mamaglia which is a cornmeal dish served with poached eggs. The decadent desserts include placinta, a pie, & Baklava, which is a pastry filled with honey and nuts. Local wines inlcude Tuica, a strong plum brandy that is produced along the Black coast in Moldavia.
Borscht soup
Placinta Pie